I'm excited to start another year of Nia, deepening into the practice of moving and sensing and coming alive. I've been studying Body Mind Psychotherapy since last September, and am looking forward to the workshop possibilities coming up this year with Denise Nadeau, a dance therapist who lives in Royston.
There is an 8 week session Embodiment Practice group starting on January 10th at 6:30pm. The series is titled Moving with Spirit: Befriending the Body and will use a variety of practices to deepen your awareness of sensation in your body. We'll connect the elements to the systems of the body - the bones as earth, the breath as wind, etc - and explore ways to move the body in ways that open new awareness on al levels.
Why is this important work to do? I find this work is essential in helping me to keep finding new developmental edges in my movement in Nia classes and in life in general. I am more available to listen to others, more able to release my own emotional knee-jerk reactions when dealing with my teenage daughter (and dude, that's golden), more able to soften into the embrace of someone who loves me and yield into the love that's all around. Sound too woo-woo? Maybe. Is it effective in changing how I am able to move through the world, in all the aspects of my life? Absolutely.
The first two nights of the series are open to all, so you can drop in and try it out to get a feel for whether or not it's something you'd like to continue with. The cost is a sliding scale system, so that you can pay according to your own income. For all 8 sessions the cost is $96 to $160, and drop-ins for the first two sessions are from $12 to $20.
If you'd like more specific information, don't hesitate to contact me through email annienia(at)yahoo.ca or at 250-336-0238. You can also contact Denise Nadeau directly at dnadeau(at)shaw.ca.
Nia classes with Ann Marie
Current Class Schedule - updated Aug 28th, 2013
Mondays ~5:30-6:15pm Lower Native Sons Hall, Courtenay - new session starts Sept 16. Drop-in or register through the Lewis Centre, open to all.
Tuesdays ~ 3 to 4:15pm. Ongoing- d'Esterre House, Comox. Drop-in or register at the door, open to all.
Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30am Lewis Centre Gym - Special Need Adult Class - starts again in September.
Friday 9am - 10:15am. Ongoing Comox Seniors' Assocation. Drop-in or register at the door - reduced rate if you are a member of the Comox Seniors' Association. Open to all.