Nia classes with Ann Marie

Current Class Schedule - updated Aug 28th, 2013

Mondays ~5:30-6:15pm Lower Native Sons Hall, Courtenay - new session starts Sept 16. Drop-in or register through the Lewis Centre, open to all.

Tuesdays ~ 3 to 4:15pm. Ongoing- d'Esterre House, Comox. Drop-in or register at the door, open to all.

Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30am Lewis Centre Gym - Special Need Adult Class - starts again in September.

Friday 9am - 10:15am. Ongoing Comox Seniors' Assocation. Drop-in or register at the door - reduced rate if you are a member of the Comox Seniors' Association. Open to all.

What is Nia?

Nia is a movement practice that combines dance, martial arts, and yoga for a workout that focuses on the body/mind connection while building strength, endurance, and flexibility at your personal fitness level. The music inspires and the moves give you a chance to exercize while using the natural intelligence of your body to stay safe and healthy. The guiding principle of Nia is joy of movement, and Ann Marie focuses on each person finding the joy in their own body's expression of each movement and song. This is Nirvana In Action (Nia)!

The international Nia website has oodles of information at, and there are numerous clips on youtube, some better than others, that give you an idea of what it's like.

The best thing to do is come try a class. If you like it, great! And if you don't, at least you'll have given something new a try, which is always good for the brain.

Here are a couple of my favourite Nia youtube clips.

This one features my Nia trainer, Martha Randall (in pink at the front):

This one is an interview with Debbie Rosas-Stewart, one of the founders of Nia.

You don't have to wear all black or look fantastic!

You just show up and start to move your body, unlocking frozen muscles and moving things that haven't been moved in a while.

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