March has been the month of Flexibility in Nia classes, the sensation of energy moving out along the bones. We've been focusing in on the sensations deep inside to have a sense of where inner begins, before it ever becomes outer. Some of you have mentioned that what you're getting out of this focus is a greater awareness of your bones, the framework that makes movement possible out in the world. Some of you have noticed a deepening of the chest cavity, feeling deeper into your torso and really noticing the solar plexus area. As spring days arrive and we all begin to move out into our yards for gardening and other outside activities, we can continue to sense into our bodies first, and then feel for the ways our own inner is traveling out along our bones to connect us to the world around us.
You might even want to try consciously moving through your garden or on your favourite trail or walkway with this focus in mind. Notice how you sense your own bones and the energy that is within, moving and circulating. Then begin to notice the ways you sense that movement and energy traveling out along the bones as your feet step, as your arms swing, as you turn your skull to listen to a bird or to catch sight of a flower. Bring your Nia practice with you out into the world!
There are many updates I'd like to share with you, and I've sent out an email with the details. If you'd like to receive a copy of this email, make sure I have your address. You can email me at annienia(at)yahoo(dot)ca and ask for it.
Here are the basic details:
New Thursday night class starting in Comox on April 4th at 6pm in the Little Red Church. We need 6 people to sign up for the class to be a go, so pass on the word.
There is a Nia playshop on March 30th in Nanaimo with Marth Randall, who is the trainer I did my White Belt with to become a Nia teacher. I'll be going for sure! March 30th from 1 to 2:30pm, $25, at the Yoga Weir just past Nanaimo. click here for map
Ongoing Class Details:
Monday night classes resume on April 8th in the Florence Filberg - this is a big deal for me! We have been trying to get back into that wonderful space for over a year, so let's show the city that we're grateful for the space by filling it up with students.
Tuesday and Friday classes at the Comox Seniors' Association (d'Esterre House) are ongoing - Tuesdays at 3pm and Fridays at 9am.
There is one more session of Special Needs Nia before the summer starts, so if you know any adults who might like to try dancing with us, let them know it starts on April the 11th and goes until May 30 at the Lewis Centre Gym.
Embodying Gratefulness - Denise Nadeau is offering a series of classes in May that focus on embodiment and gratefulness. click here for details.
This summer I will be teaching Creative Dance classes for kids through Courtenay Recreation. The details are still being worked out, but the summer program guide will have all the information. There will be two age groups and both classes will be like Nia, but with less structure, and more emphasis on spontaneous play based on an imagined theme of the week. I'll keep you updated as the details are firmed up.
Nia classes with Ann Marie
Current Class Schedule - updated Aug 28th, 2013
Mondays ~5:30-6:15pm Lower Native Sons Hall, Courtenay - new session starts Sept 16. Drop-in or register through the Lewis Centre, open to all.
Tuesdays ~ 3 to 4:15pm. Ongoing- d'Esterre House, Comox. Drop-in or register at the door, open to all.
Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30am Lewis Centre Gym - Special Need Adult Class - starts again in September.
Friday 9am - 10:15am. Ongoing Comox Seniors' Assocation. Drop-in or register at the door - reduced rate if you are a member of the Comox Seniors' Association. Open to all.