Nia classes with Ann Marie

Current Class Schedule - updated Aug 28th, 2013

Mondays ~5:30-6:15pm Lower Native Sons Hall, Courtenay - new session starts Sept 16. Drop-in or register through the Lewis Centre, open to all.

Tuesdays ~ 3 to 4:15pm. Ongoing- d'Esterre House, Comox. Drop-in or register at the door, open to all.

Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30am Lewis Centre Gym - Special Need Adult Class - starts again in September.

Friday 9am - 10:15am. Ongoing Comox Seniors' Assocation. Drop-in or register at the door - reduced rate if you are a member of the Comox Seniors' Association. Open to all.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

52 Moves - Nia Playshop on Sunday, March 11th,
from 1 to 3pm
at Island Pilates Studio
click for map to studio

This 2 hour playshop will focus on learning
the 52 moves of Nia with attention to detail, function, and
following The Body's Way.

"Whaddya mean there are only 52 moves in Nia?
I've been doing hundreds!"
The 52 moves are the foundation of Nia  They come from all 9 movement forms which Nia is created from, and are designed to be performed in The Body's Way.  Why the capital letters there?  Because we each have our own body's way of doing the moves, and then there is the way that is most efficient, safe, and health-promoting - The Body's Way.

Think of when we are in class and using a movement that is "toes out, toes in".  I'm cueing you to move that from the hip socket, moving the leg from the thigh bone, not just the toes.  This is so that your movement will not place unneeded, and unhealthy, stress on the ligaments of the knee joint.  This is one example of using The Body's Way to enjoy a move with your own level of intensity, adding personal expression in ways that won't pull on the knee in ways that aren't healthy.

The best reasons I can think of for you to consider taking this playshop:
 You will get more out of your regular Nia classes. 
You'll have the ability to transition in and out of moves more easily,having practiced the individual moves that can fly by pretty quickly when we're deep intothe middle of a routine, keeping up with the beat.  You'll have more variations available to youfor changing your own intensity levels - adding intensity without having to add more force.

I'm keeping the class small so that you can get hands on guidance to align your body in The Body's Way of the moves.
You'll have time to ask questions about your own body's way within the moves. This isn't about correction or getting it perfect, but it is about taking time to focus on how the moves of Nia were designed to create a safe, healthy, awesome movement practice.

It'll be a great workout!
Just like in a Nia class, you will move everything you've got, but with attention to the detailed landscape of your own body.  We'll be in the Pilates Studio on Cliffe Street, which has great mirrors to check out your alignment - observing without judgement!  Without mirrors it can be hard to tell if our head is above our chest and our chest above our pelvis.  Here we'll be able to see the alignment, and then learn how it feels in the body.  When we go back to our weekly classes, we'll have that sensation memory to help guide our alignment again.

There are 12 open spots for this playshop, and it's open to everyone including first-timers.  This might be the perfect way to introduce someone you know to Nia.

Register by paying $25, cash or cheque, to me,
Ann Marie Lisch.

I will let you know when the class fills, or if there are spaces open for you to drop-in at the last minute.
A minimum of 8 participants are required, so I'll also let you know if it looks like it's not going to make it.

Contact me at 250-336-0238 or with any questions.

Hope to see you there!

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